Easing pain in knee area

Shockwave Therapy

Treatment for Tendonitis

Treating Tendonitis with Shockwave Therapy Tendonitis, also known as tendinitis, is a common and painful condition that often affects athletes and individuals with active lifestyles. At the Recovery Room, we

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Diagonsing Tendinopathy & Tendonitis

Tendinopathy vs Tendonitis Navigating the Differences and Their Impact Tendinopathy, a multifaceted realm of tendon injuries encompassing ailments like tennis elbow and Achilles tendon issues, stems from various sources such

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Sports injury

Tendonitis Effective Treatments

Tendonitis Tendonitis, also known as tendinitis, is a common condition characterised by inflammation or irritation of a tendon. Tendons are thick fibrous cords that connect muscles to bones, and they

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